Author: Christina

Learn Russian To Stand Out and Thrive

Budding language learners often start with Spanish or French. And it’s easy to see why. They’re widely-spoken, and use (mostly) the same alphabet as English. Yet, such a move could mean you are missing a huge opportunity. Online Russian classes could be hugely beneficial for your personal development and to give you a competitive edge…

By Christina April 25, 2019 Off

Learn Spanish To Get Good Job In International Business

Adding a Spanish language for work to your CV can be a key for getting a job in international business and a multi-national company. Amongst some other important languages in international business, the skills of Spanish languages are if not “very” then “somewhat” important. According to Best Colleague Reviews, as the number of Spanish speaking…

By Christina March 14, 2019 Off

Can I learn a language quickly?

To learn a foreign language is  one of the best investments in your life. Learning a new language is full of benefits: You improve brain functionality (thus, make yourself smarter), open up career opportunities, boost memory and even make your decision-making skills better.   All in all, learning a new language can change your life.…

By Christina March 8, 2019 Off

Arabic Language For Successful Future Career

5 Reasons Why Arabic Is Important For Our Children For Future Career European parents usually think that core European languages like French, Spanish, English or Italian are more than enough to empower their children’s successful future career. All these languages are immensely useful, but the important one for future career is often overlooked – Arabic,…

By Christina February 12, 2019 Off

Learn Arabic: The UN’s official language

One more reason to learn Arabic language: It’s The UN’s newest official language With 193 member states, the United Nations is the world’s largest intergovernmental organisation. Splitting off into a long list of specialised branches, this geopolitical behemoth is, for many, a dream to work for.  Of the many ways to get your foot in…

By Christina January 31, 2019 Off

How To Learn A Language Fast

Efficient Ways To Learn A New Language Quickly. The Secret Of Learning a Foreign Language Quickly Lies In Combination Of Teaching and Learning Methods! Learning an additional language is one of the best skills you can acquire in your lifetime. Apart from the benefits of communicating with friends from all over the world, it can…

By Christina December 29, 2018 Off

Teaching on-line is a great opportunity!

“Lessons on Lonet.Academy are functional and comfortable, teachers and students can take the lessons from anywhere in the world and at any time!” Silvia Longhin (Italian tutor), July 18, Venice (Italy) Being part of Lonet.Academy community is a great opportunity for me as an online tutor! Christina is a really good person, she was able…

By Christina July 18, 2018 Off

Why I learn English Online

“The decision to learn English by Skype is one of the best choices in my life.” Solveiga Jansone (English Student), June 29, Latvia It was my dream to learn English with a private teacher or attending English course. But it was very difficult to find the time. Why? I work and live in Kekava. No…

By Christina July 10, 2018 Off