Anastasia P. - svešvalodas privātskolotājs online

Anastasia P. attēls

Anastasia P.


Izpildītas stundas

Studentu skaits

Māca: Vācu , Krievu

Runā: Angļu , Vācu , Grieķu , Krievu

Native language: Krievu

Dalībnieks no: October 28, 2020

BA Tourism Management, MBA

Online Language Tutor

Atsaucības rādītājs




no €7

Hello dear students,

my name is Anastasia and I am 28 years old. I grew up in Russia, but live, work and study abroad since I became 18. I got my bachelor degree in Tourism Management in a picturesque reagion of Harz in northern Germany, where I have been living for over 4 years. I spent also some years in other cities of Germany, such as Frankfurt, Berlin and Munich. Last 2 years I spent doing my master studies in Cyprus, a magical island in the Mediterranean. Languages are my passion! I fluently speak and actively use in my everyday life 4 languages. And I am not going to stop on 4 ;) For the last few years I share my passion also with the others. I enjoy teaching the languages and in that way helping you to achieve your goals and may be even to make your dreams come true. From my personal experience I know all the difficulties of learning a foreign language and pass my experience to the others with pleasure. I really value individual approach to each of my students, no matter which level they have. I create individual materials for each of them according to their learning goals. I would be very happy to accompany and support you on the way to your dream language!


Меня зовут Анастасия, мне 28 лет, 10 из которых я живу за границей. Я свободно владею тремя иностранными языками. Своё образование менеджера в сфере туризма я получила в живописном горном районе Северной Германии. Последние годы в своё свободное время я с удовольствием помогаю другим в изучении языка. Я на своём опыте знаю все сложности и особенности изучения нового языка и с радостью делюсь своими знаниями. Я ценю индивидуальный подход к каждому ученику и составляю специальную программу занятий в независимости от уровня.


Richard Kresle attēls Richard K. Fri, Oct 29, 2021

Maija Indāne attēls Maija I. Thu, Oct 21, 2021

Lidija S attēls Lidija S. Mon, May 17, 2021

Anastasiia is a wonderful teacher, very open-minded, positive and a friendly person. The lessons are interesting and pleased to attend. The result is great. Highly recommend!

Deniss Loginovs attēls Deniss L. Mon, Mar 8, 2021

A very positive first Intro call. I've received a short test prior to the call to, so teacher can understand my current level. On a call, after short introduction from both sides and agreed on my goals, we made a quick exercise where teacher live made corrections to my notes. And the end , discussed what are the options to move forward and best timing. Thanks.

Natalja Pavlova attēls Natalja P. Fri, Dec 11, 2020

Lidija S attēls Lidija S. Sat, Dec 5, 2020

very good positive trial lesson

Ja tu patiesi vēlies apgūt kādu svešvalodu un pavērt jaunus horizontus savā pašizaugsmē, kā arī paplašināt iespējas dzīvē, tu vari to paveikt!
Anastasia P. būs tavs uzticamais kompanjons šajā izaicinājumā, kas patiesi atmaksāsies.
Iemīlēt valodas apmācību. Atklāt jaunu valodu. Sadzirdēt to, izlasīt, izdziedāt un izdejot. Sajust un brīvi runāt tajā.
Vienkārši izdzīvot to!

Levels I teach :
  • All levels
I teach :
  • Teenagers
  • Adults
Types of lessons :
  • Conversational for everyday purposes
  • Conversational for traveling

Course books :

Teaching materials :
  • PDF files
  • Audio files
  • Image files
  • Video files
  • Test templates and examples
  • Text Documents
  • Articles and news
  • Graphs and charts
  • Presentation slides (PPT)
  • Homework assignments

Certificates :

Online tools I use for lessons :
  • Zoom
  • Skype
  • Other

My lesson plan :