You can book only 1 lesson. We provide you with freedom of choice. We respect your budget planning and strive for freedom and flexibility, as some of our main values.
However, if you want to book more lessons and plan your schedule for some period in advance, you can book a set of them (as many as you feel confident).
Also, to support your motivation and discipline in language learning, we offer several special deals that allow you to put a specific amount of money in your online wallet and get more while booking your lessons later. You can do it with your next booking of a lesson:
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- Ingura L.
Ingura L. - online language tutor
Years of experience
Youngest age I accept
Price starts from
My responsiveness rate
About me
My tutoring
My training
I love foreign languages since my childhood. As musicians and teachers,
my parents spoke not only the main European languages, but also a bit of Estonian
and Lithuanian (our neighbour countries) and some unusual ones - Mongolian and
Thus, it seemed just natural to choose foreign languages as my future
speciality. I studied French at school and entered the International Relations
University in Moscow where I studied Swedish, English and, of course, Russian.
Already during my studies I began to teach Swedish language in a secondary
school. I liked to introduce people to a new culture by learning a foreign language.
I realized that by my efforts students started to communicate in a new language,
acquiring a higher educational and intellectual level.
For almost thirty years, teaching foreign languages has been my hobby
while working in business structures, where I could practice these languages in
the daily communication with the native speakers. I have taught adults in
evening courses, high school and university students, and even pre-schoolers. I
am pleased that my work has been useful for many people.
Svešvalodu zināšanas ir mana aizraušanās kopš bērnības. Būdami mūziķi
un skolotāji, mani vecāki prata ne tikai Eiropas “lielās” valodas, bet arī
kaimiņu - igauņu un lietuviešu, kā arī mums neierastākās - mongoļu un arābu
valodas, kurās komunicēja ar skolēniem un kolēģiem, strādājot mūzikas skolās
Ulanbatorā un Adenā.
Tādēļ mana specialitātes izvēle par labu svešvalodām šķita
pašsaprotama. Skolā apguvusi franču valodu, iestājos augstskolā Maskavā, kur
līdzās starptautisko attiecību priekšmetiem ļoti labā līmenī apguvu zviedru,
angļu un, protams, krievu valodu.
Jau studiju laikā sāku pasniegt zviedru valodas fakultatīvu skolēniem
kādā Maskavas vidusskolā. No pirmā mirkļa mani aizrāva sajūta, ka manu pūliņu
rezultātā cilvēkiem paveras jauna, bagāta citas kultūras pasaule. Sapratu, ka spēju
“atvērt” skolēnus komunikācijai jaunapgūtā valodā.
Visus turpmākos jau gandrīz 30 gadus svešvalodu
mācīšana ir bijis mans sirdsdarbs paralēli pamatdarbam biznesa struktūrās, kur
ikdienā varēju praktizēt šīs valodas darba kontaktos ar attiecīgo tautību
pārstāvjiem. Esmu bijusi pasniedzēja pieaugušajiem vakara kursos,
vidusskolēniem, studentiem un pat pirmsskolas vecuma bērniem. Pēc daudziem
gadiem satiekot bijušos studentus, kuri ar prieku un pateicību atceras mācību
laiku, jūtu gandarījumu, ka mans darbs ir bijis noderīgs daudziem cilvēkiem.
My education:
Certified Language Teacher; Moscow State Institute (University) of International Relations, Master's degree (MIR)
I work in:
My hobbies and interests:
Member since:
10 Sep 2018Timezone:
Europe/Riga LatviaWhatever the purpose you have, if you want to learn a new foreign
language, two things are important: don’t be afraid to speak - no matter if
with mistakes, and use every opportunity to practice communication.
I am open to diverse teaching methods and content. There are no identical students - for everyone I have
to find the best way of explaining and the workout process; each has its own
desires and goals, its needs and time limits. Someone will want to train only
the colloquial language, others will try to learn grammar as much as possible,
etc. Therefore, the language teacher must be intelligent to be able to talk
about different topics, understand the psychology of different groups of
people, and to find an individual approach to each student without losing
quality and strategic goals.
teaching a foreign language, I put the main attention to the practical use of the language and the communication. However, I believe that grammatically correct
speech and writing show respect for the language and culture which it
represents, so I support students in their efforts to speak and write
without mistakes. These two approaches must be in balance so that students are
not afraid of making mistakes, but at the same time there are conditions for improvement.
kādi būtu cilvēka mērķi, vēloties apgūt jaunu svešvalodu, svarīgas ir divas
lietas - nebaidīties runāt, kaut arī ar kļūdām, un izmantot jebkuru iespēju, lai praktizētu komunikāciju
Esmu atvērta dažādām mācību metodēm un saturam. Nav divu vienādu studentu - katram ir jāatrod sava pieeja mācību vielas
izskaidrošanā un treniņu procesā; katram ir savas vēlmes un mērķi, savas
vajadzības un laika limiti. Kāds gribēs trenēt tikai sarunvalodu, cits centīsies
maksimāli labi apgūt gramatiku utt. Tādēļ valodu pasniedzējam ir jābūt
daudzpusīgi attīstītam, jāspēj sarunāties par dažādām tēmām, jāizprot dažādu
ļaužu grupu psiholoģija un jāvar piemeklēt katram studentam individuālu mācību
plānu, nezaudējot kvalitāti un stratēģisko mērķi.
Mācot svešvalodu,
galveno akcentu lieku uz valodas praktisko pielietojamību un komunicēšanu.
Tomēr uzskatu, ka gramatiski pareiza runa un rakstība apliecina cieņu pret
izvēlēto valodu un kultūru, ko tā pārstāv, tādēļ atbalstu studentu cenšanos mācīties
runāt un rakstīt bez kļūdām. Šīm abām pieejām jābūt līdzsvarā, lai studentā
neradītu bailes kļūdīties, bet vienlaikus - lai radītu priekšnosacījumus
I teach:
Levels I teach:
I prefer to connect via:
I am specialized in:
Languages I coach in:
Levels I coach:
I prefer to connect via:
I am specialized in:
Several of my students have passed the necessary exams and received Residence permits or even Latvian citizenship (according to the common policy).
I am also very glad for the students who have started to communicate with their Latvian relatives or extended families after some time of studies. The tragical historical period around 1940-1945 divided so many families so that almost every Latvian has some close relatives in emigration. Now, they are able to speak with their often elderly cousins in Latvia.
There are always some medical students who are taking Latvian language studies very seriously while getting their academic degrees in Latvian universities. They prove to be able to inquire patients in Latvian, showing respect and commitment to the language of the country where they are studying.
Then, there are elementary school and high school students, usually grades 9 and 12 (when they have to pass state exams), who need some help with the basics of the Latvian language. They haven't probably been so eager learning Latvian in the elementary school, and it is a joy to manage to explain the grammar and construction of sentences so that they start understanding the structure and system in the language.
Levels I train:
I prefer to connect via:
Types of lessons
Choose a lesson:
Individual lessons
Individual Advance ... | 50 min
Individual Beginne ... | 50 min
Individual Interme ... | 50 min
Discovery call | 30 min
Individual lessons
The Individual Beg ... | 50 min
The Individual Int ... | 50 min
Discovery call | 30 min
Individual lessons
Svenska för nybörj ... | 50 min
Svenska på mellann ... | 50 min
Discovery call | 30 min
Choose a date that works for you
We understand plans change. You can cancel up to 12 hours before your lesson.
Based on server timezone: Europe/Riga
Wed, Mar 19 | Thu, Mar 20 | Fri, Mar 21 | Sat, Mar 22 | Sun, Mar 23 | Mon, Mar 24 | Tue, Mar 25 | |
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You’ve selected 1 lesson.
Select more lessons or proceed to payment.
Reviews about me:
Paldies skolotāja!
Liels paldies!
Liels paldies jums!
THIS TEACHER ROCKS! Following her direction will allow me to get to the ‘next level’ in speaking, writing, listening & comprehension and speech. Ingura has second to none qualifications which takes her out of the crowd. She is totally committed to her mission of teaching and achieving results. Ingura’s explanations are simple and clear. Her nature is kind, very patient and it is easy to engage with her. Studying languages with Ingura is a privilege and a unique opportunity to deal with someone possessing an exquisite education and professional command of languages, grammar, history, art and much more. All this added to her ability to teach and use multiple approaches to facilitate the sessions. In today’s hectic world, there are less people with her profile and even if it took some time to book a lesson with Ingura, it was very much worth the wait. I have had several sessions studying with Ingura and I am extremely pleased with the experience and quick results achieved from each session. Without hesitation, it is a good value for money. I think LONET academy is very lucky in having Ingura as a teacher. For sure I feel incredibly lucky for having her as my tutor. Thank you so much Ingura!
Liels paldies! :)
Ļoti labi!
Liels paldies!
Пробный урок прошёл замечательно! Спасибо.
Excellent !
Ingura is an excellent teacher. Our lessons are organised and fun, and I'm making real progress. It's a highlight of my week.
Wonderful lesson! Ingura is delightful. Looking forward to learning Latvian from her.
Excellent lesson as usual. Ingura understands exactly why I ask questions and explains everything clearly and comprehensively.
excellent skolotāja pat bija sagatavojusi papildus prezentāciju par Luciadagen
Always excellent.
Pirmā lekcija bija ļoti interesanta.
I feel that I am making good progress with my Latvian Language studies thanks to Ingura's clear explanations and direction.
Very productive.
Ingura was very understanding and explained how we would work together. Lots of reference material to work through in my own time.
A very enjoyable and interesting lesson today, as always! Thank you Ingura!
Very enjoyable and interesting as always. I was very grateful to be given some challenging homework to be finished before my next lesson!
The lesson, as always, was very enjoyable and Ingura always takes care to explain matters clearly when something crops up which I am not sure about.
Excellent as always!
I enjoyed the lesson very much and the teacher Ingura was very helpful. The plan she suggested for homework before the next lesson was very useful and will help greatly in establishing at what level we need to progress.
Ingura continues to be an excellent instructor and I feel very fortunate to be working with her! She is very good at communicating constructive feedback and is very thorough, clear and patient in her explanations/teaching. She is very friendly and easy to talk to, which creates a positive atmosphere wherein to learn. I look forward to each lesson with her!
I enjoyed the lesson very much. It was great to meet Ingura for the first time. Everything was explained very clearly and Ingura was very helpful. I look forward very much to the next lesson.
Ingura is a wonderful teacher. Patient, knowledgeable, and kind. I can feel her love for the latvian culture, too!
Instructor is very kind and accommodating to my needs. Coursework continues to be helpful and educational and lessons are very interesting.
Instructor is engaging and clear in explanations.
Per my request, instructor provided coursework which I am able to complete in my free time and review in session with instructor. This has been extremely beneficial and helpful.
Very good instructor. Is patient and kind and explains things well.
Excellent teacher and very satisfied with the session! She is very friendly, easy to talk to and extremely knowledgable. She takes into account what your specific needs are and immediately begins to work with you in finding helpful resources according to your current level. I look forward to our next session and all that I will learn from her!
Thank you for interesting lesson my daughter was really imoresed and love it she cant wait next lesson the teacher was so good explain everything very well
Lieliska un ļoti inteliģenta pasniedzēja!
Brilliant teacher, I have learnt so much with her, well structured lessons and makes learning fun, I look forward every week to my lessons.
Ingura is a great teacher, very professional and knowledgeable.
Superb tutorial from Ingura who assessed my strengths and weaknesses, provided good conversational opportunities, grammar guidance and resources for study. We have a agreed a plan and I have booked the next lesson and intend to continue to reach my Goals
Great trial lesson. Got to know the teacher and we set up the level for further studies.
Ingura is the best - we talk about a wide variety of topics and also cultural nuances of Latvia/Latvian language. I have a much better foundation now in Latvian and hope to progress even further as time goes on!
Мне 10 лет. Мне понравился мой первый урок. Учитель хороший, улыбался. Мне нравится футбол, и она нашла для меня интересную статью об этом спорте.
Words are not enough to describe how positive and confident my teachear make me feel! Thank you for your, more than perfect, way of teaching! With admiration and respect, C. Radulescu
Ingura is really professional teacher, and her lessons are max effective and interactive. She is high level specialist, and I like her lessons and methods of teaching I put excellent rate!!
Frequently Asked Questions
If a tutor cancels a lesson that has been confirmed before, you get the total amount paid for this lesson back to your online wallet balance. You can use this balance to book the next lessons on lonet.
To provide a short answer to this question, we would say as follows:
Go to a tutor if: you want to study the language. You will learn grammar rules, and practice reading, writing, and listening skills. If you are a beginner or an elementary-level learner, choose a tutor. With a tutor, you will work on and improve your language skills.
Go to a trainer if: you want to develop your speaking skills mainly. Choose a native trainer to train your accent, speaking skills, and conversational vocabulary, get cultural insights, and have nice targeted conversations in the language with a native speaker-trainer.
Go to a language coach if: you are at the intermediate and upper-intermediate level of the language and want to develop your specific language skills. If you want to become a confident language speaker, fluent in a specific area, in a language for specific purposes, and break all the barriers you have in your language learning, choose a language coach.
Book a free consultation session with Kristine and tell her about your concerns. She is a creator of Lonet.Academy, a language learning expert, a polyglot, and a performance coach. She is happy to provide valuable advice and insights, according to your unique needs and personal situation.
In the case if you booked the lessons and the tutor has already confirmed them, you can cancel your lessons (by going to your pending lessons and pressing the button “cancel”), but in this case, you will get your money back to your balance (online wallet) with a deduction of 5 eur per each lesson canceled. You can still use the remaining balance to book your lessons with another tutor.
To avoid this we recommend buying special deals with us, that provide you with a specific amount of money in your online wallet (with a more than paid value) and you can use this balance later when you are confident to book.
Book with Confidence!

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We're thrilled to celebrate your progress with our exclusive milestone rewards program.
Here's how it works:
Milestone 1: 50 lessons
Complete 50 lessons and get €10 added to your account balance.
Milestone 2: 100 lessons
Reach 100 lessons and earn an extra €25 added to your account balance.
Milestone 3: 130 lessons
Hit 130 lessons and receive another €10.
Milestone 4: 180 lessons
Conquer 180 lessons and enjoy another bonus of €25.
Thank you for choosing us.Keep practicing, keep achieving, and keep earning!