Alison A. - tiešsaistes valodu pasniedzēja


Angļu Franču Vācu Spāņu
Angļu Franču Spāņu


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Par mani
Kā es pasniedzu
Kā es trennēju

I'm a native English speaker from the UK and a fully qualified language teacher with over 20 years of teaching experience. Lessons are all about encouraging you to feel more 
confident from the very first lesson. I can help you to quickly and easily improve your communication skills using a range of techniques to suit you and the way you like to learn.

Whether you want to apply for a new job, travel the world, or pass an exam, I can help you do it. Want to work on your pronuncation or reduce your accent, let me share techniques that work. I have taught languages to all ages and to students from around the world. I have experience in General English (from complete Beginners to Advanced level), IELTS,
Cambridge exam preparation, Business English and English for Academic Purposes, as well as helping high school students to pass exams - or just get ready for that trip of a lifetime. 

In addition to teaching, I have corporate experience in both the media and technology sectors and have worked in Film, Television, Public Relations, Marketing and Finance. I can help you to improve your presentation skills, feel more confident in meetings, or get that next promotion. 

I love learning languages myself and speak French, German and Spanish, plus a bit of Italian, Portuguese, Arabic and more. I am passionate about languages and like to think that I pass that enthusiasm on to my students.


BA in Politics with French

Hobiji un intereses:
Lonet pasniedzu kopš:
8 Jan 2025
Laika josla:
Izvēlies nodarbību:
Individuālās nodarbības
Business English | 50 min


English for Kids | 50 min


General English (A ... | 50 min


Discovery call | 30 min


Alison Arnold attēls

Discovery call

30 min

Rezervē zvanu

Biežāk uzdotie jautājumi

Can I book only 1 lesson or do I have to buy a package of lessons?
If a tutor cancels a lesson, do I get my money back?
How do I know if I need a language tutor, coach or trainer?