Letty den Boogert attēls


Izpildītas stundas

Mācās: Spāņu

Runā: Holandiešu , Angļu , Spāņu

Native language:

Dalībnieks no: August 20, 2019

Teacher University, Pedagogische Academie, training in multilingualism, several additional courses


Profila pabeigšana

Pabeidz savu profilu

I use several methods and different exercises .

I  react immediately when I notice the students problems by preparing the next lesson specifically focused on that problem 

Every student is different, so every class is prepared to the needs of each student

Apsveicam Letty!

Kamēr citi tikai domā un sapņo, Tu jau dari! Iemīlejies valodu apguves procesā un padari to par tavu ikdienas rutīnu.

Christina Baltach attēls

Christina Baltach

Polina Smirnova attēls

Polina Smirnova

Sintija Ozolina attēls

Sintija Ozolina

Par mani

I have lived in several countries, knowing Angola,Mozambique ,Democratic Republic of Kongo,

 United Arab Emirates, The Netherlands, Spain. 

Everywhere I met people struggling with the languages. I love to help to overcome these language problems

So I teached Dutch to adults and children everywhere I lived.

During 8 years I was connected to a  Dutch school In Barcelona, where I was the director and teacher.