Jevgenija F. - svešvalodas privātskolotājs online

Jevgenija Fridvalde attēls

Jevgenija F.


Izpildītas stundas

Studentu skaits

Māca: Dāņu , Latviešu

Runā: Dāņu , Angļu , Latviešu , Krievu

Native language: Latviešu , Krievu

Dalībnieks no: August 25, 2023

Mg. art.

Nodarbošanās nav norādīta

Atsaucības rādītājs




no €16

Master of Arts. Teaching foreign languages (level A1-B2 according to the CEFR) to young adults and adults since 2015. Founder and manager of a project for intercultural learning “Cult of Cultures” (Latvian: “Kultūrkults”). Former head of pedagogical work at the House of Languages in Riga. Member of the Language Museum Association in Riga. Creative consultant for language education. 

Born in a minority language-speaking family and raised in a minority language-speaking environment, I have been learning languages since my early childhood. Throughout my life, I have “looked” behind the “doors” of nine languages. Some of the “doors” opened widely, while others stayed closed, as they did not fit any of the “keys” I had at the time. Analysing the “keys”, that helped me to achieve higher levels at certain languages, I realised it was a deep connection to people, culture, and environment, established in the process of learning a language, which helped me to acquire and successfully use it (although you always need to know also some grammar rules ;) That is why for me language and culture always go hand in hand, and in my lessons, you will find many references to the traditional and contemporary culture of the target language.

Teaching is a form of art for me. Being creative to support my students, when they meet a new language in culture. Sharing our common interest in it. Giving an opportunity to try how it feels to be a part of it, through the  real-life learning materials. Helping to break the barrier of fear, inconvenience, and caution through patience, positivity, and fun.


Jelena Butova attēls Jelena B. Tue, Jul 2, 2024

Es vēlos izteikt savu pateicību un atzinību latviešu valodas skolotājai Jevgeņijai. Viņa vienmēr cenšas padarīt stundas interesantas un aizraujošas. Ar cieņu, Jeļena.

Aleksandra Bukareva attēls Aleksandra B. Wed, Mar 13, 2024

Lola Usarova attēls Lola U. Wed, Mar 6, 2024

Ģirts Ārgalis attēls Ģirts . Mon, Feb 26, 2024

Jelena Butova attēls Jelena B. Tue, Feb 20, 2024

Šodien bija ļoti interesanta un pozitīva stunda. Paldies!

Lilita Trutneva attēls Lilita T. Tue, Nov 14, 2023

I like a lot learning Latvian language in general and with Eugenia particularly as a teacher. She is friendly, professional and she does her best to explain material the best way possible. Мне очень нравятся уроки латышского языка с Евгенией. Она отличный преподаватель - дружелюбная, терпеливая, старается разобраться и понять, в чем мои затруднения, а также разъяснить материал наилучшим образом.

AMINE AOULI attēls AMINE A. Thu, Nov 9, 2023

Perfect teacher can feel more power and positive vibes

Ja tu patiesi vēlies apgūt kādu svešvalodu un pavērt jaunus horizontus savā pašizaugsmē, kā arī paplašināt iespējas dzīvē, tu vari to paveikt!
Jevgenija Fridvalde būs tavs uzticamais kompanjons šajā izaicinājumā, kas patiesi atmaksāsies.
Iemīlēt valodas apmācību. Atklāt jaunu valodu. Sadzirdēt to, izlasīt, izdziedāt un izdejot. Sajust un brīvi runāt tajā.
Vienkārši izdzīvot to!

Levels I teach :
  • A1-A2
  • B1-B2
I teach :
  • Teenagers
  • Adults
Types of lessons :
  • Conversational for everyday purposes
  • Conversational for traveling
  • Business / Professional
  • Grammar focus
  • Reading comprehension
  • Listening skills
  • Other

Course books :

Teaching materials :
  • PDF files
  • Audio files
  • Image files
  • Video files
  • Flashcards
  • Test templates and examples
  • Text Documents
  • Articles and news
  • Presentation slides (PPT)
  • Quizzes
  • Homework assignments

Certificates :

Online tools I use for lessons :
  • Zoom

My lesson plan :