Diana G. - tiešsaistes valodu pasniedzēja


Angļu Slovak Spāņu


Gadu pieredze


Pieņemu studentus no šī vecuma


Cena sākot no


Mans atsaucības reitings

Par mani
Kā es pasniedzu

Zest. Optimism. Good vibes. Work. Care. Family. These are some of the words that come to my mind when I think about myself. I'm not very good at describing myself, but I'll try. smaidīgs  I'm originally from Slovakia but I left in 2005, and I have lived in different countries and cities in different parts of the world: Denver, Colorado, USA; Amsterdam, the Netherlands, Moscow, Russia; Valencia and Barcelona, Spain.  I have two boys, who are now teenagers, a dog and a cat. I love reading classical books, going to a park nearby, and I enjoy listening to people's stories.  I've been teaching English for 10 years, and I absolutely love my job. It's my vocation, my calling, and when I'm with my students, I feel it's where I belong professionally.


MA in British and American Studies

Hobiji un intereses:
Musicart and architectureAnimals
Lonet pasniedzu kopš:
10 Nov 2024
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