Kosta K. - svešvalodas privātskolotājs online
Hey, I am Kosta the Teacher.
I like travelling, listening to books and spending time with my wonderful cat. Besides that, teaching has always been my passion. In order to reach that goal I have done many things abroad, like many Erasmus+ Projects and Work and Travel programs all around Europe and the US. All the things that I learned while doing that made me want to spread them to as many people as I can. That is why I started working as a German Teacher in a private school this year teaching children and adults as well.
For me the most important part of any language is the practical use of it so if you decide to choose me as your teacher we will focus on speaking the language while putting us in different everyday situations.
Ksenija P. Tue, Feb 13, 2024
Deniss U. Sat, Apr 24, 2021
Great lesson. Thank you so much!
Татьяна . Thu, Mar 26, 2020
Ja tu patiesi vēlies apgūt kādu svešvalodu un pavērt jaunus horizontus savā pašizaugsmē, kā arī paplašināt iespējas dzīvē, tu vari to paveikt!
Kosta Kirov būs tavs uzticamais kompanjons šajā izaicinājumā, kas patiesi atmaksāsies.
Iemīlēt valodas apmācību. Atklāt jaunu valodu. Sadzirdēt to, izlasīt, izdziedāt un izdejot. Sajust un brīvi runāt tajā.
Vienkārši izdzīvot to!
Course books :
Certificates :
My lesson plan :