Jaime C. - online репетитор по иностранному языку

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Jaime C.


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Преподает: Английский , Испанский

Говорит: Английский , Испанский

Native language: Английский , Испанский

Зарегистрирован с: May 11, 2024

Masters in English

English Teacher

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от €10

About my methodology and tools, and I try to use different approaches like communicative mixed with functional. You choose me because I know the structure; I know the way to bilingualism.

That's what I'll be giving you: the little grammar rules, the tricks to remember vocabulary; the little secrets that your usual teachers didn't care for. I will correct your errors and I will also teach you that how to study. My lessons: basically, I have a very comprehensive perspective of teaching English. For me, every level has three parts: grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation. Elementary levels (A1/A2) should focus on grammar while intermediate ones (B1/B2) should focus a bit more on pronunciation. Finally, advanced (C1/C2), for me, is totally a vocabulary focus.

As a sidekick, I would include, if you wanted, some training about writing and business English.
My resources are created by myself, thinking of what would be your needs and the quickest way to improve your level. About my personality, I've been teaching since 92, more than 30 years in many different countries so I do have a lot of experience. Well, it would be a pleasure to teach you. See you around.

Если ты действительно хочешь заговорить на языке, открыть для себя новые горизонты и новые возможности в жизни, ты реально можешь это сделать!
Jaime Carazo поможет тебе в этом и будет твоим верным сопровождающим в увлекательном пути изучения языка.
Полюби изучение языка! Выйди за рамки просто изучения языка, расширь границы знаний и восприятия мира.
Не изучай язык, а живи им!

Levels I teach :
  • All levels
I teach :
  • Teenagers
  • Adults
Types of lessons :
  • Technical terminology
  • Conversational for traveling
  • Specific vocabulary
  • Business / Professional
  • Exam preparation
  • Preparation for job interview
  • Grammar focus
  • Vocabulary focus
  • Pronunciation focus
  • Academic writing
  • Reading comprehension
  • Listening skills

Course books : Mostly Cambridge and Oxford

Teaching materials :
  • PDF files
  • Image files
  • Test templates and examples
  • Text Documents
  • Graphs and charts
  • Quizzes

Certificates : CELTA, TESOL

Online tools I use for lessons :
  • Zoom
  • Google Hangouts
  • Skype

My lesson plan :

My favourite is the CELTA template. I usually have several lesson plans in mind.