Raisa Pastare attēls



Izpildītas stundas

Mācās: Itāļu

Runā: Latviešu , Krievu

Native language:

Dalībnieks no: June 26, 2019

Izglītība nav norādīta

Nodarbošanās nav norādīta

Profila pabeigšana

Pabeidz savu profilu

Apsveicam Raisa!

Kamēr citi tikai domā un sapņo, Tu jau dari! Iemīlejies valodu apguves procesā un padari to par tavu ikdienas rutīnu.

Dario De Santis attēls

Dario De Santis

Valentina Valoroso attēls

Valentina Valoroso

Par mani


My name is Raisa.

I am very excited to learn new things, for instance, a new language. My husband`s stepfather is Italian, so I will be very glad to communicate with him in his native language. My mother-in-law and my husband have already explained to me some basic rules. But the main reason to learn Italian is my customers from Italy. They would be truly glad for communication in their native language.

I hope I will find my best tutor.

I am looking forward to learning Italian.