Anthony Adams attēls



Izpildītas stundas

Mācās: Latviešu

Runā: Angļu

Native language:

Dalībnieks no: April 16, 2022

A level


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Apsveicam Anthony!

Kamēr citi tikai domā un sapņo, Tu jau dari! Iemīlejies valodu apguves procesā un padari to par tavu ikdienas rutīnu.

Vija Mežīte attēls

Vija Mežīte

Ingura Lipšāne attēls

Ingura Lipšāne

Ieva Pukite attēls

Ieva Pukite

Par mani

Hi, Anthony here, a native English speaker with connections in Latvia.

My reason to learn Latvian is of necessity.  I have family and friends in Latvia that I frequently visit.  I also own a home there.  At the moment I speak very little Latvian.  I get very frustrated not being able to join in with conversation.   I am now on a mission to learn as much Latvian as I can.