Julia Holmes attēls



Izpildītas stundas

Mācās: Franču , Vācu , Latviešu

Runā: Angļu

Native language:

Dalībnieks no: August 20, 2021

Master degree


Profila pabeigšana

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Ingura Lipšāne attēls

Ingura Lipšāne

Ieva Pukite attēls

Ieva Pukite

Rēzija Blūmentāle attēls

Rēzija Blūmentāle

Par mani

I live in the UK and I have dual British/Latvian nationality, my Latvian nationality was acquired from my Father. He was born and lived in Latvia until he was 19 years old. He left Latvia and never returned. I have wanted to learn Latvian for a long time, but it never happened because I was always so busy with my work and family. My Father died in 2002 and I have been visiting relatives of my Father in Latvia since 2013. Some of my relatives speak very good English, so I have never been forced to learn the language. I attended an online Summer School organised by the University of Latvia in July/August 2021 and I achieved A1 standard. I can read, write and speak some Latvian at Beginner Level. I want to continue with one to one tutoring, so that I can speak to my relatives and I want to attend the Summer School in 2022 "Rīgā". I want to be good enough to join the next level (either A2 or B1).