I love teaching and I also love languages. It is very exciting for me to help other people to learn something they want or need to know. Teaching languages gives me the opportunity to do that and, at the same time, I get to know new people and new cultures. It’s fascinating!
I understand all students are not the same. They learn in different ways, enjoy different kinds of activities and have different needs and motivations for learning a new language. This is why I choose to use an eclectic approach which involves different approaches, methodologies and techniques that best suit the linguistic and communicative needs of every particular student, according to all the factors mentioned before. Lessons planning may also vary according to each case.
I am easygoing, flexible, understanding and very patient, and always focus on making the learning process as pleasant, enjoyable and effective as it could be.
Apsveicam Virginia!
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Par mani
¡Hola! Me llamo Virginia. Soy venezolana y soy profesora de idiomas. Tengo una licenciatura en Educación mención Idiomas Modernos. He estado enseñando español e inglés por 13 años a grupos desde niños preescolares hasta adultos jóvenes de todos los niveles. Disfruto mucho enseñar, y me emociona conocer personas nuevas y culturas diferentes. Tengo mucha paciencia al enseñar y me gusta utilizar un enfoque ecléctico que combine diferentes métodos y estrategias con base en los estilos de aprendizaje y las necesidades de cada estudiante.
Hi! My name is Virginia. I am a Venezuelan languages teacher. I have a degree in Modern Languages Teaching and have been teaching Spanish and English for 13 years to groups from preschool children to young adults. I enjoy teaching and it's exciting for me to meet new people from different cultures. I have a lot of patience while teaching, and I use an eclectic approach to language teaching, combining methods and strategies from different approaches according to the learning styles and needs of each student.