Alessandro Ressa attēls



Izpildītas stundas

Mācās: Ķīniešu

Runā: Angļu , Franču , Indonēziešu , Itāļu

Native language:

Dalībnieks no: August 4, 2018

Master Degree in International Managment / Master Degree in Economics and Business / Bachelor in Commerce

Internet Marketer. Tutor of Italian and Business. Analyst/Interpreter for the Italian Trade Agency

Profila pabeigšana

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Interests and Hobbies price

Student material
As a student you will have online access to a reference Italian textbook in PDF. This file will be accessible to you until at least 15 days after the last lesson.
Also, you will have online access to a shared file that summarizes what was covered during our lessons.
You are encouraged to always have pen and paper with you during the lesson as physically writing things down will help you better memorize things and recall them later.

Class tools and timing
The lesson takes place on Skype, through a video call. At times the teacher’s screen will be shared with you.
For each lesson there will be main objectives in terms of what you are going to learn; nevertheless, the class will move at a pace decided by your needs.

Teaching Style
Our lesson will be focused on listening and speaking, less on writing (unless writing is your style of learning).
I will be teaching you whole sentences that you can start using immediately and often. You will soon become very familiar with those, and quickly be able to find and remember words and patterns in common between them and have a solid base to learn new expressions. I will guide you in this process.
Also, I will guide you step by step to understand the grammar rules intuitively and logically, when you will need.

Apsveicam Alessandro!

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