Mona Zurub attēls



Izpildītas stundas

Mācās: Spāņu

Runā: Arābu, Angļu , Japāņu

Native language:

Dalībnieks no: October 27, 2018

B.A degree /natural science

Teaching Arabic

Profila pabeigšana

Pabeidz savu profilu

I teach Arabic  using my own way  in teaching .

I prefer to use worksheets ,files, home works , photos  in order to make studying interesting .

beside I am flexible to use any material or book  that students want .

I teach the language  according to the student`s wish .

I teach all skills, reading ,writing ,speaking ,and listening .

Apsveicam Mona!

Kamēr citi tikai domā un sapņo, Tu jau dari! Iemīlejies valodu apguves procesā un padari to par tavu ikdienas rutīnu.

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Christina Baltach

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Par mani

I love my language ,and would like to help learners of that nice language .

As a learner of language  ,I can feel all the difficulties that meet the learners during the journey of the studying .

I teach Arabic online to all ages .

I teach All skills of the language .